MiNightVet Emergency Care
MiNightVet is a dedicated emergency out of hours provider for local veterinary practices.

Welcome to MinightVet
At MiNightVet, our state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated staff provide excellent care around the clock.
To use our services, your veterinary practice must be registered with us. If your practice is registered and you face an emergency, please call your regular vet first - they'll guide you to us if needed. You can find out which emergency vets your practice uses on their practice page.
*please note if you are a visitor to the area or not yet registered with a vet practice you may still be able to use our service
In emergencies, we triage patients based on medical priority, treating the most critical cases first. This may result in some waiting times, but it ensures that pets in life-threatening conditions receive immediate care.
Are you a veterinary practice looking to join?