Post-operative Checks
What are post-operative checks?
After surgery, it is important that your pet comes back to the practice for post-operative checks. How many are needed, and when they should be scheduled, will depend on the procedure that your pet has had. Most post-operative checks are performed by our veterinary nurses.
The post-operative check includes assessment of three main areas:
Recovery from anaesthesia/sedation
Some pets feel drowsy for 24-48 hours after an anaesthetic. The nurse will check if they are eating, drinking and toileting, and can make sure they are not dehydrated. Occasionally, an anaesthetic can cause an upset stomach (such as loose stools) and the nurse can advise if treatment is needed.
Recovery from the procedure
It is important that we monitor any surgical wounds to make sure they are healing correctly. The nurse will check for signs of inflammation, infection, or patient interference. They can change dressings or bandages and will remove any stitches once the wound has healed. They can also check your pet’s pain levels to be sure the pain relief prescribed is sufficient.
Follow-up advice
Depending on the procedure your pet has had, the post-op check may involve some specific after-care advice. For example, pets often need careful monitoring of their diet after neutering to prevent weight gain. Dental care at home after a dental procedure can dramatically slow down recurrence of dental disease. Some procedures require a slow, careful return to normal exercise to prevent further injury. The veterinary nurse will advise what, if any, ongoing care is recommended.
Post-op checks are included in the cost of all operations. Any additional treatment required may be charged.
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