Microchipping Rabbits
A microchip is a small implant, the same size as a grain of rice, which sits underneath the skin. When the area containing the microchip is scanned, a unique 15-digit code is retrieved. This code can be registered on a national database against your details, meaning if your rabbit ever gets lost or stolen you can be easily identified as their owner.
Does my rabbit need to be microchipped?
Microchipping rabbits is not a legal requirement but is strongly recommended. Rabbits are excellent escape artists and, if they manage to escape the garden, it can be difficult to identify where they have come from. All stray rabbits taken to a vet or to the RSPCA will be scanned for a microchip.
When should I get my rabbit microchipped?
Rabbits can be microchipped at any age, but placing the microchip while they are under anaesthesia for neutering is ideal. This is usually around 4-6 months old. Although a microchip can be placed while a rabbit is awake, they tend to be jumpy, so placing it during anaesthesia makes it quick, simple and painless. Placing a microchip should only ever be performed by a veterinary surgeon or other trained professional (such as a veterinary nurse).
Keeping your rabbit’s microchip details up to date
It is your responsibility to ensure the details held against the microchip number are kept up to date. This means you must contact the database the microchip is registered to if you move house, change phone number, or rehome your rabbit. If your rabbit does get lost or stolen, let the database know as most will mark this against the microchip number.
Microchipping is included with your The Healthy Pet Club membership for dogs, cats and rabbits!
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